This is what you get when you hire full-stack developers with SDEX
Professional IT talents
We pre-screen all candidates in our database, and you will only receive candidates who 100% match your criteria. We will send you between 3-5 candidates, which you can choose to interview. The recruitment process is flexible and tailored to meet your needs and requirements.
Easy and fast recruitment
We have an established database of hundreds of software developers and engineers from whom we recruit. This means we can find the right full-stack developer within 2 weeks.
Flexible and scalable teams
Our own in-house project managers and consultants are experts in putting together professional software teams. Therefore, we ensure that your developers are up to date with the latest practice in software development.
Office facilities
Every full-stack developer you hire with us will have a full workstation at our Cairo office. There are good and attractive working conditions and good meeting rooms for meeting activities with your full-stack developer.
HR and administration
FYou only need to focus on growing your business. SDEX takes over everything else around your developer. We offer attractive salary packages with associated health insurance to the software developer’s family, which helps to maintain and motivate your full-stack developer to provide the best for your company.
OStart recruiting your next full-stack developer today
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