
How PropertyWatch reached great success by hiring
outsourced developers


  • Company: Soft & PropertyWatch
  • Collaboration model: Extended team
  • Number of employees:
  • Number of developers hired: 4
  • Location: United Arab Emirates
  • Tech Stack: CRM (Microsoft Corporation)

What is PropertyWatch?

PropertyWatch is a Microsoft Partner and a leading provider of real estate solutions in the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe. The company has a dedicated team of real estate experts and technical engineers who demonstrable a track record of implementing Microsoft solutions and software development to convert the real estate industry to a digitized and paperless environment.

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After 6 months from the signed agreement, the project was released on time to the market.

Being located in the United Arab Emirates, PropertyWatch was aiming at expanding its presence to Egypt and North Africa. This expansion required an extended team of software engineers. The internal team of PropertyWatch didn’t have the capacity to deliver the required project and having full-time in-house developers for a short term project isn’t really practical. Therefore, PropertyWatch reached out to us with a request to hire 3 CRM developers and a web designer for a period of not less than 6 months.

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